Looking for a way to support Cocoon House in your community in your own way?
Thank you for your interest in hosting a fundraising activity for Cocoon House. Community fundraisers are those organized by passionate individuals, groups and businesses who want to support Cocoon House. Events such as yours are important in our efforts to raise funds for our programs and awareness of our mission.
Community hosted event organizers are responsible for the planning and execution of the event, including all set-up, promotion, staffing and/or volunteers, and liability. Below are some ways you can support our mission!
Bake Sales
Bake sales are a fun and creative way to support us here at Cocoon House. Hosted by an individual or a business, bake sales are a great way to get involved.
Dine to Donate
Dine to Donate is a collaboration with a local business where a percentage of profits benefit Cocoon House programs.
Car Washes
Working at the car wash! Car washes are a fun and easy event to host to promote Cocoon House and raise funds for our services.
Facebook Fundraiser
Interested in hosting a Facebook Fundraiser? Find more information here: Facebook Fundraiser
Yard Sale / Garage Sales
Cleaning out your closet? Yard sales are a great way to connect to your community while raising funds for Cocoon House.
Cocktails for a Cause
Partnering with a local bar or brewery to host a Cocoon House night is a fun way to support our cause!
Have an idea you don’t see? We’d love to hear from you!
Ways we can support your fundraising event:
Offer advice and expertise on fundraising and event planning.
Provide and approve the use of the Cocoon House name and logo.
Promote your event on our website, with a link to your event or fundraising page. If applicable and at our discretion, Cocoon House may send email communication to selected Cocoon House constituents.
Assist with writing press releases and promotional materials.
Upon request, provide a letter of authorization to be used to validate the authenticity of the fundraiser and its organizers.
Attend fundraisers and check presentations, as schedule permits.
Provide Cocoon House promotional materials (brochures, flyers, fact sheets).