Immediate Help for Teens
If you are under the age of 18 and in immediate need of shelter, you can call or text us 24/7 and a staff member will answer the phone to help you!
U-Turn Drop-in Center
Under 24 and need connections to resources today?
Call Us: 425-740-2945
U-Turn is open from 2:00 to 6:30 Monday through Friday with staff on site who can help you!
Located at 3530 Colby Ave, Everett.
Under 18
Under 18 and in immediate need of shelter?
Call or Text!
Shelters are open 24/7 and staff are available to help you get to a safe place.
Over 18
Between the ages of 18-24 and looking for help finding long-term housing?
Call or Text!
Parents & Caregivers
If you’re a family in conflict with a young person in the home, we can help.
Connect With Us:
425-317-9898 (English)
425-339-4179 (Spanish)